ObviousIdea featured on Nikonians – Nikon users community

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Today we have been featured on the most popular Nikon Digital camera users community


Nikonians® is the community for all passionate Nikon® users, worldwide home for Nikon photographers. Our sites and services are for all of you who either suspect or know that a Nikon makes a difference. The community, its sites and operating entities are owned by Bo Stahlbrandt and José Ramón Palacios. Both of us are Nikonians, that is, we believe in Nikon technology and we use Nikon imaging equipment extensively. These sites are not related or affiliated in any way to Nikon Corporation nor to any of its subsidiaries and/or affiliates.

The unexpected result of this post, is the request about a mac OS version of Light Image Resizer, and no unfortunately we don’t have or plan for the immediate future an apple mac OS version, while ObviousIdea will be active on iPad and iPhone application to enjoy your pictures.