Happy New Year 2012, what happened for ObviousIdea in 2011 ?

Happy New year 2012

ObviousIdea’s team and myself wish you all the best for 2012, starting with health, love and inspiration. We want to thank all the users and providers which have helped the company to serve you.


ObviousIdea 2011 data in a glance

  •  Created in 2011 as a breakaway from VSO-Software
  •  1.5 Millions unique visitors on obviousidea.com ( according Google Analytics )
  •  More than 6 Millions of download from our own servers.
  • 12500 fans on Facebook.com/obviousidea
  •  Ranked top 40000 site on Alexa in December

It’s a special year for ObviousIdea as the company has been created in March 2011. We didn’t start from scratch as we got the ownership of known software like VSO Image Resizer and PhotoOnWeb, and we got a lot of source code we didn’t promote yet.

We have started and released complete new products, like PhotoLikr, GreenCloud pdf printer, QRCode Magic , and more are coming

in 2012 we will continue to create new products and service for desktop and mobile. We will more actively promote the existing service, and try to engage more users and find talent developers. Our challenge is to get feedback from users, to understand what we need to change and improve, to get more ideas about what to implement. Each comment, even the worst insult is important for us, as it shows we need to work again and again.

Once again, happy new year 🙂

Fabrice Meuwissen, CEO ObviousIdea


Light Image Resizer testimonials

That’s what our users think about Light Image Resizer, your opinion is valuable for us
Please add your own testimonial at the bottom of this page

Posted on Facebook wall, December 28th 2011

i like the image resizer….the last years i worked with fotosizer….now i deleted fotosizer….thanks…..
Ulf Gruber

Received by email, February 3rd, 2012

a nice tool to re-size multiple images quick and easily with multiple options for deciding the final output from the defaults built in and being able manually adjust the sizes as required in either percent, pixels, or inches. makes the task of resizing photos for email quick and painless task. also like the additional features to tweak the image colors with the sepia effect and having the options to easily apply custom watermarks and borders to my images.
John O. S, Cork, Ireland

Received by email, March 17th, 2012

 I already use the VSO Image Resice since a long time ago. I use this to optimice the size of the images of all my webs and economice a lot of space and bandwith.

My webs have literaly millons of hits, then a simply one kB of size can economice you GB of Bandwith every mont.

Only the top right corner of the web (a image of 800 bytes) use 1 Gb of bandwich every month. Then Optimice the size of the images of you web is a Very Very Importante Point to make the web Quick and to Save your money in the Bandwith.

A Big Hug!
Rev. Dr. Ignacio Glez.

Another great use by Schoolzine clients from Australia, Nick Aitkin, Head of production, received the 23rd of February 2012

 The light image resizer has been a valuable tool for over 200 Schoolzine clients. We required a program that could process batches of images easily to specific dimensions with out compromising the images quality. The user friendly interface allows our users with minimal computer knowledge to process large amounts of images with a few simple clicks.

Received by email, April 19th 2012

Thanks for an awesome product! I had to purchase simply to support it’s development 🙂

It’s about the quickest and simplest tool I’ve used for image resizing and compression. We are a photography business, and as such each photo shoot is uploaded to personal galleries for our clients. Light Image Resizer is already saving us over 8-10 minutes per job over our previous workflow. THANKS!

PS I found you through a Google search for ‘Image Resizer’.

All the best, and thanks again 🙂

Grant – Operations Manager – Angela Hawkey Photography – Brisbane, Australia – www.angelahawkey.com

GreenCloud Printer is available for download

GreenCloud Printer is our new product, it’s a eco-friendly driver for your printer. It works with all the printers of the market, and you can save paper, ink, and trees by previewing with always the same dialog your printing job.

it’s also a PDF creating tool to replace your existing solution. You can choose in 1 click each page you need to print or not, but it also detects automatically the page with no contents (like when you print a web page, or an email and don’t need the footer and ads following the real content)

but it’s not finished ! it is also a cloud uploader, so you could send directly your new doc to Google Docs, Dropbox, Minus.com or by email using the internal PDF virtual driver.

it’s a new software, so we need feedback to improve it. you can download and check the video of GreenCloud printer

It’s free and available now !

ObviousIdea featured on Nikonians – Nikon users community

ObviousIdea featured on Nikonians – Nikon users community

Today we have been featured on the most popular Nikon Digital camera users community


Nikonians® is the community for all passionate Nikon® users, worldwide home for Nikon photographers. Our sites and services are for all of you who either suspect or know that a Nikon makes a difference. The community, its sites and operating entities are owned by Bo Stahlbrandt and José Ramón Palacios. Both of us are Nikonians, that is, we believe in Nikon technology and we use Nikon imaging equipment extensively. These sites are not related or affiliated in any way to Nikon Corporation nor to any of its subsidiaries and/or affiliates.

The unexpected result of this post, is the request about a mac OS version of Light Image Resizer, and no unfortunately we don’t have or plan for the immediate future an apple mac OS version, while ObviousIdea will be active on iPad and iPhone application to enjoy your pictures.

ObviousIdea a vendu ses parts de VSO Software – Communiqué de presse

Toulouse, France, 1er mars 2011 , Pour diffusion immédiate

Téléchargez la version pdf

ObviousIdea! est une nouvelle société internet créée en 2011 pour développer et promouvoir des logiciels pour ordinateur personnel et tablettes, des services web pour le grand public.

Après plusieurs mois de négociations, ObviousIdea!https://www.obviousidea.com est heureux d’annoncer la vente de ses parts dans VSO-Software  –http://www.vso-software.fr, un autre éditeur de logiciels de Toulouse qui distribue des logiciels populaires à travers le monde, dont Fabrice Meuwissen était le co-fondateur en 2002 avec Jacques Vignoles.

Cette transaction est importante pour ObviousIdea! car, non seulement, elle correspond à une intéressante levée de fonds mais aussi a permis l’acquisition d’un catalogue de logiciels existants et populaires issus de VSO-Software. Cette base existante d’utilisateurs et de produits aidera à introduire de nouveaux projets. “Je suis confiant dans le lancement de cette nouvelle société, car la plus grande difficulté aujourd’hui d’un entrepreneur c’est de construire une marque et une communauté d’utilisateurs” déclare Fabrice Meuwissen, le PDG et fondateur d’ObviousIdea!.

Fabrice Meuwissen – CEO Photo © www.beasty-design.com

ObviousIdea! se concentrera sur 3 activités dans les prochains mois :

1 – Promouvoir et développer le catalogue de produits acquis, principalement orienté sur le marché de la photographie, avec VSO Image Resizer  (environ 500.000 téléchargements par mois), PhotoOnWeb, un service web de partager vos photos, ATOM Gps et GPS Stone pour iPhone qui sont des applications de géo-marquage des images et de partager d’itinéraires sur Google maps.

2 – Développer des nouveaux produits et services, pour grand public et professionnels.

En cours de développement pour les utilisateurs professionnels Salmon Email Tracking for Outlook une application pour améliorer le suivi des échanges de mails important, utilisant le neuromarketing pour améliorer le degré de succès de la réponse, une idée présentée lors du premier Start Up Week end de Toulouse en Novembre 2010.

Un service “Cloud” ( le Cloud consiste à héberger à distance le service et les données pour qu’elles soit accessible depuis n’importe quel périphérique ), avec pour nom de code provisoire, www.send-to-my-cloud.com, un gestionnaire de favoris et de notes personnelle en ligne, qui sera étendu dans de prochaines versions avec stockage en ligne et agrégation de vos fichiers avec des services populaires tels que Dropbox, Amazon S3, ou Google docs.

Enfin, Easy Photo Uploader pour Facebook est un logiciel déjà disponible depuis quelques semaines, avec plus de 3500 fans, qui vient compléter le catalogue d’édition et de gestion des photos. Un autre projet avec pour nom “PhotoLikr” fera le lien entre les différentes applications photos permettant de trier les images quel que soit le programme que vous utilisez.

3 – ObviousIdea!souhaite investir dans de jeunes startups et soutenir les entrepreneurs innovants. “Je voudrais rendre à la communauté et aider les autres, comme j’aurai apprécié d’être aider moi-même”, déclare Fabrice Meuwissen, “c’est quelque chose que je fais déjà en midi-pyrénées en tant que business angel à titre privé mais avec la visibilité de cette nouvelle compagnie, je pourrais soutenir avec du fond d’amorcage et en accompagnement dans le secteur des NTIC ».

ObviousIdea! promet d’être une société centrée sur le consommateur, ce qui signifie que les utilisateurs participeront activement à la vie des produits, suggérant de nouvelles fonctionnalités, décidant quand et comment les intégrer. “Je suis malade de voir comment la plupart des services techniques et commerciales réagissent aux suggestions des utilisateurs, quand celui ci a au moins la chance d’avoir une réponse” dit Fabrice. Il n’a jamais été aussi facile de mettre en place une relation avec les utilisateurs en utilisant les réseaux sociaux ou des outils spécialisés de collecte de commentaires. Vous devez engager les utilisateurs dans tout le processus de votre compagnie si vous voulez réussir peu importe les millions que vous avez à la banque. Fabrice Meuwissen est également consultant indépendant en stratégie marketing et a participé au camp d’été sur le neuromarketing de l’Université de Stanford en 2010.

Mais… ObviousIdea!  doit déjà faire face à son premier challenge, celui de recruter de nouveaux développeurs  ( php, jquery, css, html5, .net, c# ou Delphi ), community manager, et utilisateurs enthousiastes. Le fondateur de cette nouvelle compagnie confesse qu’il est difficile de recruter ou débaucher les meilleurs pour soutenir le rythme de sortie des nouveaux projets.

Contact ObviousIdea!
+33 (0)9 72 12 29 92
[email protected]

[email protected]

ObviousIdea sold his VSO-Software shares – Press release

Toulouse, France, 1st of March 2011
For Immediate Release

Download the pdf version

ObviousIdea! is a new internet company created in 2011 to develop and promote several personal computer software, web services and mobile application for end-users.

After months of discussion, ObviousIdea! is happy to announce the sales of his share in VSO-Software , another software publisher based in Toulouse and providing popular software all over the world.
Why this news is important for ObviousIdea! ? The deal completed today is equivalent to a nice fundraising, but it also allowed acquiring a catalog of existing and popular products from VSO-Software. This database of users and products will help to introduce new projects. “That’s definitely the starting date of this new company, and with this deal I am really confident for the future, as the most difficult task actually is to build a brand and a community of users” says Fabrice Meuwissen, the CEO and Founder of ObviousIdea!, previously shareholder and CEO of VSO-Software.
ObviousIdea! will focus on 3 activities in the next few months:

Fabrice Meuwissen – CEO  Photo © www.beasty-design.com

1 – Promote and develop the acquired catalog of products, mainly oriented to consumers products and photo market, with VSO Image Resizer ( estimated to 500k download per month ), PhotoOnWeb an application and web service to share your photos with family, ATOM Gps and GPS Stone for iPhone are products for geo-tagging pictures and share your itinerary details on Google maps.

2 – Develop new products and service , not limited to end-users.

Some project are still unnder development like Salmon Email Tracking for Outlook a plugin to improve the follow-up of important email exchange, using neuromarketing to improve reply success rate, born during the first Start Up Week end of Toulouse in November 2010.

A cloud product, with a temporary name, www.send-to-my-cloud.com, is actually a personal and private online bookmarking and notes manager, it will be extended in the future version with safe storage getaway to host your files with popular service such Dropbox, Amazon S3, or Google docs.

Easy Photo Uploader For Facebook is a software already public since a few weeks, with more than 3500 fans, which will complete the photo editing and management catalog. Another project codenamed “PhotoLikr” will connect the dots between the different products allowing social rating of pictures whatever the current program you use to manage pictures.

3 – Invest in young startups and new existing companies. “Because I won’t be able to spend all the money available in my only own development, I want to give back to the community and help others, like I would have appreciated to be helped myself”, says Fabrice Meuwissen, “it’s something I am already doing in my town area as a business angel but with the traffic of this new company, I will be able to help both with money and exposure”.

ObviousIdea! promises to be a consumer centric company, it means users will participate actively in the life of products, suggesting new features, deciding where and how to implement the action of the services. “I am sick of all these companies whose support team members don’t even react to suggestions you could make by email, if you are lucky enough to receive a reply …unfortunately.” Says Fabrice. It is something so easy to set up with social networks and specialized tools such as Uservoice. You need to engage the users in all the process of your company if you want to be successful whatever the millions you may have on your bank account. Fabrice Meuwissen is a Usability expert and consultant in Strategic Marketing graduated from the Stanford University in 2010.

But… ObviousIdea! is already facing a challenge, which is to build a larger team of developers ( php, jquery, html5, .net, Delphi ), community manager, and enthousiastic users. New company owner confesses the biggest issue for now will be to recruit to be sure the new projects will be released on time.

Contact ObviousIdea

+33 (0)9 72 12 29 92
[email protected]