ObviousIdea s’associe avec Arbres et Paysages d’Autan

ObviousIdea s’associe avec Arbres et Paysages d’Autan

Après la semaine du développement durable, ObviousIdea en profite pour tirer le bilan de GreenCloud après 1 an et soutient l’association Arbres et Paysages d’Autan. La Startup Toulousaine ObviousIdea a lancé en décembre 2011 un astucieux logiciel GreenCloud Printer pour réduire sa consommation de papier. Quelques mois plus tard, elle matérialise une donation contribuant à planter 100 arbres, avec l’association Arbres et Paysages d’Autan.

Comment un simple logiciel peut-il faire économiser du papier ?  Tout simplement en offrant une interface optimisée aux particuliers et aux entreprises à chaque fois qu’ils impriment. Un choix en 1 clic pour supprimer les pages inutiles, activer l’impression recto-verso, diminuer l’encre (la partie la plus coûteuse d’une impression), mais surtout une fenêtre pédagogique pour récompenser les utilisateurs des économies qu’ils réalisent. Une manière plus amusante d’engager l’éco-responsabilité à la maison mais surtout en entreprise. Le logiciel permet de faire en moyenne 133€ d’économie par an par poste de travail, entre l’économie de papier et d’encre.

histogramme  badges GCP

Les DSI peuvent mesurer le volume d’impression des salariés mais aussi depuis une version publiée la semaine dernière, le calcul du CO2 économisé. La méthode de calcul est basée sur le bilan des gaz à effet de serre des NTIC de l’ADEME, et validée par une chercheuse du CNRS. Un outil bien utile pour tous ceux qui sont engagés dans le Plan Climat et concernés par l’obligation de transparence sociale et environnementale depuis le décret d’application de l’article 225 de la loi du Grenelle II, dit fièrement Isabelle Lagier, embauchée à ObviousIdea depuis décembre 2012, pour renforcer les actions de sensibilisations des entreprises. ObviousIdea a convaincu plus de 85000 utilisateurs en quelques mois, répartis partout dans le monde, avec des références prestigieuses en cours de négociation, comme un groupement d’écoles au Canada et en Australie, une chaîne de supermarché Allemande, et un IUT en France. Après avoir remporté le prix de l’éco entreprise lors des dernières Assises Nationales étudiantes du Développement Durable qui avait lieu à l’ESC Toulouse en Mars 2012, le projet se veut plus ambitieux pour convaincre en B2B des entreprises de plus grande taille.

Fabrice Meuwissen GreenCloud Printer print less, print smartly eco award
Fabrice Meuwissen GreenCloud Printer print less, print smartly eco award

Avec une double distribution sous forme de version gratuite et professionnelle, ObviousIdea vient de faire une donation à l’association locale Arbres et Paysage d’Autan, basée à Ayguevives, qui ajoute 100 arbres replantés au 5 tonnes de papiers économisées, et au million de pages non-imprimées depuis le démarrage du projet. “Malgré notre forte activité internationale en raison de nos actions en webmarketing, j’ai privilégié une association locale situé à 11km de notre siège social, les petits gestes commencent par diminuer notre empreinte carbone en travaillant avec les entreprises près de chez nous”, déclare Fabrice Meuwissen, CEO d’ObviousIdea. L’année 2012 a permis d’améliorer et de valider le logiciel avec de nombreux utilisateurs, mais comme l’a illustré les dernières élections présidentielles, l’écologie et le développement durable est perçu plus comme une obligation qu’une nécessité. Les objectifs de 2013 sont de 500 arbres sauvés ou replantés par l’action directe et indirecte du logiciel.

APA site  Madame Nathalie Hewison, directrice de l’association Arbres et Paysages d’Autan nous en parle : « l’APA est une association Loi 1901, créée par des agriculteurs et des ruraux en    1995, dont l’objectif est de promouvoir le rôle de l’arbre dans la sauvegarde et la restauration du paysage rural pour le mieux vivre de tous. Ses missions sont la sensibilisation, l’information et la formation sur l’arbre et le paysage ainsi que l’accompagnement technique de plantations d’arbres et arbustes en haies, alignements, bosquets ». L’association est financée par des subventions publiques, des fonds de projets européens, ou les cotisations des particuliers ou entreprises, comme ObviousIdea aujourd’hui.

Le logiciel GreenCloud Printer est disponible depuis ce site : http://www.greencloudprinter.com

[email protected] ou 09 72 12 29 92 APA

GreenCloud Printer update and 1 year activity update

In December 2011 we were happy to introduce a new app GreenCloud Printer, released as a beta, we have been updating it for the last months, and now we have a very reliable application.

greencloud savingThe purpose of GreenCloud Printer is to optimize your existing printer by installing a virtual driver. Instead of printing directly from your text processing, browser, or PDF reader, you can use the GreenCloud dialog to change and optimize your ink usage in 1 click.
If you are a cost-saving hunter, the ink is the most expensive part of printing (whether if it is at home or the office), but on sustainability point of view, saving paper is very eco-friendly, it reduces waste. It also just reduces the frustration to be printing unwanted pages.

We are proud to say our software has been actively used by more than 88 000 users ! who have printed more than 4.4 million pages with our software. We avoided to print at least 282 000 pages (A4 or letter format) and this makes about 1 ton and 400 kgs of pure paper! We feel very happy to see people using the app to also have the relevant data to see how much and where have we helped to save the planet.

It’s not a lot yet, but it is a very good start, that’s why we need you NOW. If you haven’t tried the product, download GreenCloud, there is a free personal home version. If you have used it, whether you liked it or not, please post a few words on our Facebook page to help us to make it better.

If you are working in an association, corporation, university, or education with a lot of users and computers, know that we are opened to discuss a site license as we want to complete our reference list. Just contact us!

Share this post on your Facebook timeline, please comment and support us, it takes just a few seconds, but it can make a difference.

cuteanimalpics39  If you don’t share, we are going to kill this baby squirrel! … hmm… what we mean is that we are killing forests and he will be homeless!

Neuromarketing in disney

Neuromarketing in disney

You wonder what is the relationship with this article title and ObviousIdea ? it’s because of one of our current Emoscale project is about Neuromarketing, we found this exclusive article to illustrate what we could do in the future with a case of a company every knows and which would benefits of Neuromarketing.

Neuromarketing in Disney

The Disney brand is one of the most recognisable in the world. Millions upon millions of people worldwide turn into children at the mere sight of Mickey Mouse ears. The Disney marketing machine is so encompassing that they have created their own universe in which their products and their message lives. It is not surprising that the entertainment giant appeals to all of our senses.
With such a large, varied empire Disney can bombard the senses in relentless fashion. The films, the songs and the theme parks. By appealing to the whole range of emotions, Disney can implant themselves in the psyche of the public. The most obvious senses that are appealed to are seeing and hearing. Disney’s success spawned from the cartoon and film industries. Children and adults alike where charmed by their simplistic yet charmingly intelligent comic adventures.

Total Sensory Bliss

vitrail glass inspired by a disney movieThe medium in which Disney best penetrates all of the senses is the theme park. Here they can physically create their own world, manipulate the surroundings and therefore manipulate their guests reactions. Sight, sound, smell, taste and touch are all appealed to. Nothing is left to chance and every minute detail has been carefully considered. For a location that aims to create a multitude of reactions and feelings, careful planning is paramount to avoid clashing and confusing.

Furthermore, as the audience of Disney theme parks is so wide and so varied, the parks have to be careful in their strive not to alienate anyone. Each demographic and individual react differently to every sensory sensation so there is a constant battle to appeal to as many people as possible. Strict research and development is undertaken by the marketing department at Disney into people neurosis to discover commonly appealing patterns, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings.

Disney Smells

By creating ‘Disney Smells’ the parks can delve into the guests subconscious and remain there long after their departure. Making strong, distinctive smells, Disney furthers each ride and areas individual personality and character. Creating an all encompassing experience makes it all the more impressive, enjoyable and awe-inspiring during the visit.

For example: many of the Pirates of the Caribbean rides throughout the different Disney parks all over the world share a distinctive scent. A slightly muggy and warm smell is created to add to the feigned authenticity of the experience.

Every area of each of the parks is represented by their own distinctive smell. Main Street USA is the first area that you approach upon entering five of the Disney parks across three continents and all share the distinctive welcoming smell of Vanilla.

As well as making the experience more enjoyable and involving at the time, the distinctive smells stick with guests for a long time. One of the marketing teams most intelligent moves was making the smells possible to replicate. Many people will then experience these scents after their trip to a Disney park and there mind may well be momentarily transported back. If the people realise where the smell is from, they may be urged to return. Even though there is a leap of faith from implanting the smell in an individuals memory bank to repeat custom, Disney never leave a stone unturned in terms of captivating their audience.


Many of the Disney parks are in areas with very hot climates such as Florida and California. At times these conditions and climates can become very uncomfortable. Rather than being deterred by this or trying to alleviate the problem completely, Disney use it to their advantage perfectly. The best example would be the timing and placing of the air conditioning. Many of the guests in the Floridian park enter on the monorail. The stations that serve this monorail are only slightly conditioned. This leaves

main street in a disney land park

the guests still warm and in some cases uncomfortable. However the moment that they step onto the actual train, the strong air conditioner hits. Refreshing them instantly and signifying their ascent into the Disney park and a completely different world. The relief amongst the guests is palpable and the spirit is improved even before crossing the threshold into the park.

There are many places inside the parks that provide the guests with an escape from the heat, since it can be a very long and hot day for the family from the moment they get out of the vehicle they picked up from the people carrier hire lot until they return. The queue lines are often internal or covered to protect people lining up from the glaring sun. Each area always has a number of internal attractions for the same reason. Also, there are a lot of places where guests can rest, eat or use the WiFi to scour the internet for news from home, plans for the rest of the holiday or broadband packages.


Disney have a rich musical history. The tones and notes that children and adults know and love prevail all around the parks. From the elegant strains of Cinderella’s castle to the annoying theme from Its a Small world, the music penetrates the minds of all who hear it.
Disney forged its reputation as one of the powerhouses in modern entertainment and business through skilled film making. It is currently consolidating that position through clever all encompassing, consuming marketing for every senses.

and you ?

what do you think ? what is your personal story with Disney world ? any favorite movie ? any story to share ?

Written by Eve Pearce for Obviousidea

GreenCloud Printer Testimonials

greencloud logoHere you can see REAL testimonials about our users ! please use the comments feature at the bottom of the page or contact us to add yours !

Tell us why you use it, the results ( saving, feedback ) and suggestions for future version.


Nick Aitkin, Head of Production, Schoolzine said the 23rd of March

The Green cloud interface is quick and easy to use and has cut our printing costs considerably by reducing the amount of paper and ink we use when printing documents from outlook and the Read more