GreenCloud Printer Testimonials

greencloud logoHere you can see REAL testimonials about our users ! please use the comments feature at the bottom of the page or contact us to add yours !

Tell us why you use it, the results ( saving, feedback ) and suggestions for future version.


Nick Aitkin, Head of Production, Schoolzine said the 23rd of March

The Green cloud interface is quick and easy to use and has cut our printing costs considerably by reducing the amount of paper and ink we use when printing documents from outlook and the web. We believe Green cloud is a great way for carbon conscious companies to become proactive in reducing the effect of their business on the environment.

Tom Logar, President of Toothguard Dental Instruments , said the 27th of March

Go green with Green cloud print solution. Do you know that each person in the United States uses about 749 pounds of paper on annual bases? Almost 4 billion trees are cut down each year for paper use. The Green cloud interface program does not only save trees, it also saves ink and time. Simple to use navigation offers one click elimination of pages that are part of the file but don’t need to be printed on the paper. I highly recommend it to individuals and organizations.