Since this morning, several users reported a virus issue with GreenCloud Printer. After investigations and the first reports, it is a false alarm from some antivirus solutions, and the main one seems to be BitDefender.
What is a antivirus False positive ?
Security software sometimes unintentionally identify a program or file as harmful if it has code or behavior that resembles known harmful programs. This is known as a False Positive. A False positive means the antivirus wrongly identify the app as a virus.
Action from Obviousidea about false positive
We reported the false alarm. In the meantime, please don’t deinstall / reinstall the GreenCloud Printer package, as it won’t solve the problem. The only solution is to turn off the antivirus or flag it as safe. You can also report the false alarm at : Bitdefender false positive report . The BitDefender form is weird and won’t confirm by email if the ticket is created. You can contact support of Bitdefender, this page contains the list of the phone numbers.
Another method is to “restore” the binary GCPrinter.exe, in notification, watch the history and find the entry about the software infected. Then Restore the program.

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Especially because the latest version of GreenCloud Printer hasn’t been updated since a few months. It may happen also with Light Image Resizer. To fight against virus, we are using VirusTotal, a well known service in the industry to check URLs and setup package available in our download page.
Here the link of the VirusTotal report for GreenCloud Printer :
november 11th, 2024 : 10/73 vendors are reporting a problem
november 12th, 2024 : 4/73 vendors are reporting a problem
november 13th, 2024 : 2/73 vendors are reporting a problem
november 14th, 2024 : 1/73 vendors are reporting a problem ( didn’t reply to our report )
november 19th, 2024 : webroot solution was not in the virustotal report but cause issues, it’s fixed now.
How to report a false positive ?
Don’t hesitate to contact Obviousidea, to report any issue with antivirus, it’s the best and safest way to let us know and report and investigate the problem.
there is no rule to report a false positive you need to fill a form ( when it works ) or contact by email one by one the antivirus vendor. This list from VirusTotal can save a lot of time.